
Moon Dog

"When the sun dog phenomenon is seen around the Moon rather than the Sun, it is called a moon dog, or by the Greek name paraselene. Moon dogs appear to the right and left of the moon approximately 22° away. They are exactly analogous to a sun dog. Moon dogs are somewhat rarer than sun dogs, because in order to produce moon dogs or other types of halos, the moon must be bright and therefore full or near full.

There are some accounts in history that say that moon dogs are a signal of bad weather to come. By counting the stars within the circumference of the moon dog, you will know how many days of bad weather will happen."

Hari ini terjadi salah satu fenomena alam.. disaat gw mau pergi nyari makan sama widi.. ketika gw melihat keatas, gw melihat bulan terindah yang pernah gw liat dalam hidup ini. Betapa besar nya kekuasaan tuhan menciptakan hal se indah ini. Hal ini seharusnya menjadi pelajaran bagi manusia. Mungkin manusia bisa membuktikan bagaimana terjadi nya fenomena alam, tapi mereka tidak pernah bisa menciptakan fenomena alam yang seperti itu. Manusia haruslah sadar akan lemah diri nya di hadapan sang penguasa.

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